Can You Use Windows Server 2012 Evaluatoin Again

Microsoft invites everyone to get acquainted with the features of the server platform using trial versions of Windows Server 2019 or Windows Server 2016 (StandardEvaluation or DatacenterEvaluation). By filling out a short form, y'all can download Windows Server 2019 on-premises Gratuitous Trial or Windows Server 2016 Evaluation for gratis here. After installing Windows Server Evaluation, you lot take 180 days to test its capabilities. During this time, the full functionality of Windows Server 2019/2016/2022 is available to you.

When using the Evaluation version of Windows Server, the desktop displays the current build and the time until the end of the grace period (Windows License valid for 180 days).

windows server 2019 standard evaluation license valid for 180 days

At any time, you can display the time until the end of the grace catamenia for an evaluation version of Windows Server:
Slmgr /dli
slmgr timebase_eval channel serverstandarteval edition

Proper name: Windows, ServerStandardEval edition Clarification: Windows Operating Organization, TIMEBASED_EVAL channel License Status: Licensed Timebased activation expiration: xx min (20 days)

You can see the product name, description (TIMEBASED_EVAL aqueduct), and activation expiration time.

There is a way to extend your Windows Server Evaluation for additional 180 days using the command: slmgr /rearm

Y'all can extend your Windows Server trial menstruum up to v times. Thus, the maximum lifespan of Windows Server Free Trial can be extended to 3 years = 180 days * 6. However, under the terms of using Evaluation versions of Microsoft, you lot shouldn't apply the trial version for commercial purposes or productive tasks.

Afterwards the expiration of the trial menses, Windows Server starts requiring activation and shutting down every hour with the following events in the Event Viewer:

Log Name: Arrangement
Source: USER32
Event ID: 1074
The process C:\Windows\system32\wlms\wlms.exe Server1 has initiated the shutdown of calculator Server1 on behalf of user NT AUTHORITY\Organisation for the following reason: Other (Planned)
Reason Code: 0x80000000
Shutdown Type: shutdown
Comment: The license catamenia for this installation of Windows has expired. The operating organization is shutting down.

Log Proper name:   Application
Source:       WLMS
Consequence ID:     100
Description: The license period for this installation of Windows has expired. The operating organisation will close downwardly every hour.

The desktop groundwork will turn black, and a notification "Windows Licenses is expired" volition appear in the lower right corner.

windows server 2019 evaluation license is expired desktop message

This article should help yous if yous performing productive tasks in the evaluation version of Windows Server and want to upgrade information technology to full Windows Server edition while keeping your information and without the need to completely reinstall the operating system.


  • Upgrade Restrictions for Windows Server Evaluation
  • Windows Server 2016: Converting Evaluation to Licensed Version
  • Windows Server 2019: Upgrade Evaluation to Full Version
  • Windows Server 2022: Converting Evaluation to the Retail Edition

If yous try to specify the KMS, Retail, or MAK product primal on Windows Server Evaluation edition, the post-obit warning appears: "This edition cannot be upgraded".

Windows Server 2016: This edition cannot be upgraded

When you attempt to install the retail fundamental using the slmgr.vbs tool (slmgr /ipk xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx) you will receive the error:

Fault: 0xC004F069. On a computer running Microsoft Windows not-core edition, run 'slui.exe 0xC004F069' to display the mistake text.

If you run the specified control, a description of the error will appear:

The Software Licensing Service reported that the product SKU is non found.

slmgr /ipk Error: 0xC004F069. On a computer running Microsoft Windows non-core edition

But not everything is and so sad :).

Y'all can utilise DISM to make sure that you are using the Windows Server Evaluation edition. Open an elevated command prompt and execute the control:

DISM /online /Get-CurrentEdition

DISM /online /Get-CurrentEdition - ServerStandardEval

Every bit y'all can see, the Current Edition line indicates that the current Windows version is — ServerStandartEval.

Get the list of Windows Server editions to which yous can upgrade your current Eval edition:

DISM /online /Become-TargetEditions

Editions that can be upgraded to: Target Edition : ServerStandard Target Edition : ServerDatacenter

DISM /online /Get-TargetEditions

As y'all tin see, the electric current ServerStandardEval edition has been upgraded to the post-obit Windows Server 2016 / Windows Server 2019 editions: ServerDatacenter or ServerStandard.

Upgrade Restrictions for Windows Server Evaluation

Here are some upgrade restrictions that you need to know before converting Windows Server Evaluation to the full edition:

  • You cannot upgrade a server with an Active Directory Domain Service domain controller role. It will get-go have to be demoted to a fellow member server (bank check that FSMO AD roles are not running on this DC, transfer them to other domain controllers if necessary);
  • If NIC Teaming is configured on the server, it must be disabled earlier upgrading;
  • Windows Server Eval Datacenter cannot be upgraded to Windows Server Standard Full. First, y'all demand to upgrade your edition to Windows Server Datacenter Total, and and so utilise a little trick to downgrade the Windows Server edition (check the link at the cease of the commodity);
  • You can convert both the full GUI version of Windows Server and the Windows Server Core (converting the trial version of Server Cadre is supported starting from the release of Windows Server 2016 14393.0.161119-1705.RS1_REFRESH).

Windows Server 2016: Converting Evaluation to Licensed Version

To upgrade Windows Server Evaluation to a full version, you need to use the public KMS (GVLK) primal for Windows Server 2016. The conversion is performed via the command prompt using the built-in DISM tool. For example, to upgrade your Eval edition to the Retail version of Windows Server 2016 Standard, utilize the control:

dism /online /set-edition:ServerStandard /productkey:WC2BQ-8NRM3-FDDYY-2BFGV-KHKQY /accepteula

dism /online /set-edition:ServerStandard /productkey

If you specify your retail or MAK key instead of a public GVLK central in the DISM command, an error will announced:

Error 1168 The specified production central could non be validated. Check that the specified production key is valid and that information technology matches the target edition.

Error 1168 The specified product key could not be validated

Always use the Microsoft GVLK primal when upgrading the Windows Server edition. Y'all volition subsequently replace information technology with your own product key.

Some users complain that sometimes when you run a DISM /gear up-edition control, it hangs by 10%. In this case, we recommend yous find and stop the Software Protection Service (Stop-Service sppsvc -Force) and disable Internet access (you tin can even disconnect the Ethernet LAN cable).

Afterwards you run this command, wait for the message Command completed successfully (in some cases it may accept several hours!!!). After that restart your server and make sure y'all have a full Standard edition installed.



To upgrade Windows Server 2016 Eval to the Datacenter edition, yous need to utilise another GVLK key. The command will look like this:

DISM /online /Set up-Edition:ServerDatacenter /ProductKey:CB7KF-BWN84-R7R2Y-793K2-8XDDG /AcceptEula

If a KMS server is deployed in your local network (What is Book KMS activation?), you lot can use it to actuate your Windows Server OS with the following commands:

slmgr /ipk WC2BQ-8NRM3-FDDYY-2BFGV-KHKQY (this is the GVLK key for Windows Server 2016 Standard, another production key is used for Datacenter, information technology is listed higher up)
slmgr /ato

If there is no KMS server, you lot tin specify your MAK or Retail product key for Windows Server and activate the Bone as usual: via the Internet or by phone.

Remove the current key:

slmgr.vbs /upk
slmgr.vbs /cpky

Enter your MAK or retail product key:

slmgr.vbs /ipk xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx

Activate a Windows Server example:
slmgr.vbs /ato

Windows Server 2019: Upgrade Evaluation to Full Version

To convert Windows Server 2019 EVAL to a full edition, you need to use the GVLK (KMS) keys for Windows Server 2019. You tin can upgrade Windows Server 2019 edition the same way.

Convert Windows Server 2019 Evaluation to Windows Server 2019 Standard:

dism /online /ready-edition:ServerStandard /productkey:N69G4-B89J2-4G8F4-WWYCC-J464C /accepteula

In order to catechumen Windows Server 2019 Evaluation to Windows Server 2019 Datacenter edition:

dism /online /ready-edition:ServerDatacenter /productkey:WMDGN-G9PQG-XVVXX-R3X43-63DFG /accepteula

Confirm the command, restart the server. After rebooting, make sure your Windows Server Eval edition is converted to total retail.

Windows Server 2022: Converting Evaluation to the Retail Edition

Although the official RTM version of Windows Server 2022 has not yet been released, Microsoft has already published the public KMS client setup keys (GVLKs) for this Os version.

The command to convert Windows Server 2022 Evaluation edition to Standard:

dism /online /set up-edition:serverstandard /productkey:VDYBN-27WPP-V4HQT-9VMD4-VMK7H /accepteula

Convert eval instance to Windows Server 2022 Datacenter:

dism /online /set-edition:serverdatacenter /productkey:WX4NM-KYWYW-QJJR4-XV3QB-6VM33 /accepteula

Possible DISM errors:

  • The electric current edition cannot be upgraded to any target editions — you are trying to convert the Datacenter edition to Standard. This upgrade way is not supported;
  • Error: 50. Setting an Edition is non supported with online images — Nearly probable, your server has an Active Directory Domain Controller role (Advertisement DS) deployed. Converting of Windows Server edition on a DC is not supported;
  • This Windows image cannot upgrade to the edition of Windows that was specified. The upgrade cannot go on. Run the /Get-TargetEditions pick to see what edition of Windows yous can upgrade to — the fault appears if you lot attempt to convert Windows Server Evaluation Datacenter to Standard. You cannot upgrade Eval Datacenter to Standard. Yous need to convert the ServerDatacenterEval edition to ServerDatacenter. Specify the KMS key for Windows Server Datacenter edition in the DISM command


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